DAISUKI Bali Genic Trip

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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Sunrise Dolphin Watching at Lovina Beach

Sunrise Dolphin Watching (Lovina Beach)
Ride to the sea and meet the dolphins! Marvel at majestic sunrise views as these friendly creatures swim by your boat.
Dolphin watching off the coast of Lovina is the main attraction of the laidback coastal town in North Bali. You can expect frequent sightings of pods that favour these calm waters. Back in the days, every sunrise, local fishermen in traditional outriggers set out for their daily catches in the bay – so did the dolphins.

Melihat Lumba-Lumba Matahari Terbit (Pantai Lovina)
Naik ke laut dan temui lumba-lumba! Kagumi pemandangan matahari terbit yang megah saat makhluk ramah ini berenang di dekat perahu Anda.
Mengamati lumba-lumba di lepas pantai Lovina adalah daya tarik utama kota pesisir yang santai di Bali Utara. Anda bisa berharap sering melihat polong yang menyukai perairan yang tenang ini. Dulu, setiap matahari terbit, nelayan lokal dengan cadik tradisional berangkat untuk menangkap ikan harian mereka di teluk - begitu pula lumba-lumba.

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