DAISUKI Bali Genic Trip

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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Goa Gajah or Elephant Cave

Goa Gajah (Elephant Cave)
Although the exact origins of the cave are uncertain, it is believed to have been built as place for spiritual meditation. One folklore relates that it was created by the fingernail of the legendary giant Kebo Iwa. However, examining its style, the sanctuary was probably dated from the 11th century Bali Kingdom. The complex contains both Hindu and Buddhist imagery, as the cave contains lingam and yoni, symbol of Shiva, and the image of Ganesha, while by the river there are carved images of stupas and chattra, imagery of Buddhism.

Goa Gajah (Elephant Cave)
Meskipun asal muasal gua tidak pasti, diyakini telah dibangun sebagai tempat untuk meditasi spiritual. Salah satu cerita rakyat menceritakan bahwa itu diciptakan oleh kuku dari raksasa legendaris Kebo Iwa. Namun, jika dilihat dari gayanya, tempat suci itu mungkin berasal dari Kerajaan Bali abad ke-11. Kompleks ini berisi citra Hindu dan Buddha, karena di dalam gua terdapat lingam dan yoni, simbol Siwa, dan gambar Ganesha, sedangkan di tepi sungai terdapat ukiran stupa dan chattra, citra Buddha.

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